
Holistic Mamma

Holistic Mamma


I’m Andrea Tannouri. I write the Holistic Mamma Blog to connect with YOU and share my passions and discoveries with the world.

My goal is to help inspire and motivate you to make the transition from the modern non-holistic (and most likely toxic and unhealthy) person to successfully balanced,  healthy, green and happy person, for the sake of you, your family and our planet.

I started my Holistic Mamma blog originally just to keep in touch with friends and family.  Now I help other people deal with the sometimes overwhelming prospect of starting a new life as a parent and providing the best environment for their family.

Prior to becoming a joyful mother and now a WAHM (work at home mom) I spent over fifteen years in the workforce in many jobs – but mostly as a PADI SCUBA Divemaster, Massage Therapist and Real Estate Broker.

Follow me on Twitter!

“If you want to become a happier, healthier, wealthier, BETTER holistic parent…

Holistic Children Enjoying Nature

Holistic Children Enjoying Nature

…join me on my passionate quest for personal development. You can find me on your favorite social networks as HolisticMamma. =)

This site will develop into a resource for all things

  1. Holistic
  2. Green
  3. Natural
  4. Organic

when it comes to

  1. Health
  2. Home
  3. Family!

Aloha & Welcome!”

Andrea Tannouri, GRI, ePRO, R.E. Broker

Sunny San Diego

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